Getting our creative fix with local creators at Planet Comicon 2015
In addition to great creators from outside the Midwest, like Black Widow artist Phil Noto (as we mentioned here at yesterday), the great thing about returning to a Con year after year is...
View ArticleMore cosplay from Planet Comicon 2015
We’ve already shown some photos of a great set of little green army men as well as the best Arrow cosplay from Planet Comicon 2015, but we have a few more images to share. Not surprisingly, with a...
View ArticleHitchcock’s masterpiece Rear Window back in theaters for two days only
It’s Alfred Hitchcock’s most suspenseful film, his most engaging and atmospheric, and it features top lead actors with stars Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly. It’s his 1954 blockbuster Rear Window, and...
View ArticleBest of the Best Retro Review–Hitchcock’s Rear Window re-mastered and back on...
Review by C.J. Bunce One of the first classic movies restored using a state of the art Technicolor dye-transfer process, the restoration of Alfred Hitchcock’s most stylish and suspenseful film, Rear...
View ArticleJeremy Piven returns to plenty of changes tonight in Season 3 of Mr. Selfridge
British TV series that travel to U.S. audiences via PBS’s Masterpiece series usually take a year to get across the pond. And it’s not just an England Proper thing. The same is true of Canadian...
View ArticleSherlocks abound–Modern goes Victorian in Christmas special
Like all good things that get a hold on generations of audiences, Arthur Conan Doyle’s master detective Sherlock Holmes has been interpreted and re-interpreted over and over. For more than 110 years,...
View ArticleNew giant hardcover celebrates ten years of Mouse Guard
Last weekend at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle, Archaia, the imprint from BOOM! Studios announced the forthcoming release of The Art of Mouse Guard 2005-2015. The over-sized hardcover will chronicle...
View ArticleStar Wars catches up–All six films available on Digital HD Friday
It may have been the first thing you looked for when you got your streaming media service, whether it was Netflix, Amazon Prime, or something else. Finally, after seemingly every other movie made it...
View ArticleTwin Peaks cast pushes to return David Lynch to new Twin Peaks project
This weekend the quirky and unique director and visionary David Lynch announced after months of working on a new Twin Peaks series for Showtime that he was walking away from the project. The reason...
View ArticleOn Becoming a Pescatarian – Blackfish
WELCOME TO EARTH-4 A Column by J. Torrey McClain I do not currently host a pet of any kind in my home. I grew up with a cat and dogs and I love to visit friends and family with cats and dogs, but it...
View ArticleStar Trek Insurrection veteran signed as costume designer for next Star Trek
If you’re a fan of Star Trek costumes like we are, you may be familiar with Sanja Milkovich Hays, the costume designer on the ninth film in the Star Trek franchise, Star Trek Insurrection. Hays is...
View ArticleRetro fix–New documentary unearths the rise and fall of Atari
Atari, the company that brought us the Atari 2600–the game system that revolutionized what it meant to be a zombie–offered families in the early 1970s the benefit of the neighborhood arcade without...
View ArticleJackie Brown, Doctor Who, Jedi Knights, Lost Girl headline inaugural Kansas...
This August thousands of sci-fi, fantasy, and superhero fans will attend the inaugural Kansas City Comic Con, a new comic book and pop culture convention to be held at the Kansas City Convention...
View ArticleNew collectible cards–From Agent Coulson’s trading cards to Firefly and...
What better item to take to a convention to get Chris Evans’s autograph than a set of Agent Coulson’s Captain America trading cards–vintage and near mint, as Coulson bragged in the movie The Avengers....
View ArticleFirst Wizard World show in Des Moines to feature Shatner, Williams, Staite,...
Convention planner Wizard World will hold its first pop culture convention in Iowa this June–one of dozens of Cons it is holding across the country this year. Wizard World Comic Con will introduce...
View ArticleDC Comics releases giant Absolute Green Arrow hardcover
Review by C.J. Bunce Oliver Queen was dead, to begin with. The average superhero fan today probably wouldn’t know Oliver Queen today but for three events: (1) the modernization of the character by...
View ArticleNew giant hardcover chronicles the art of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
Review by C.J. Bunce Next month Dark Horse Comics releases a must-read for fans of He-Man, She-Ra “Princess of Power,” and the Masters of the Universe world of toys, animated series, magazines,...
View ArticleSneak peek–It’s Craig’s Aston Martin DB10 vs Bautista’s Jaguar C-X75 in SPECTRE
If you like cool cars (and who doesn’t?) and you like ogling the latest and greatest high-end, high-performance cars, then you need look no further than the latest James Bond movie. Bond will be back...
View ArticleSomething different
When I first started in June 2011, I wrote it in my basement on Saturdays, trying to prepare concept articles as much in advance as possible. At the time I planned on writing weekly, but the...
View ArticleThis “May the Fourth” meant more sneak peaks at Star Wars VII
You probably heard it all day yesterday: May the Fourth be with you. But this year’s annual Star Wars observance meant a whole lot more in light of the next Star Wars installment coming our way in...
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