Just a quick thanks to YOU, regular and new readers, for coming back and making the borg.com odometer tip over the 1 million benchmark today!
Every day since June 10, 2011, this site has been about what I want to read and watch and talk about, and I’ve hoped others would jump on board as I went along. Thanks for coming on over.
Special thanks to Elizabeth, Art, Jason, J.A.B., the Elite Comics flight crew, my 4-legged support staff, and my other pals for your friendship and prompting new ideas throughout the year.
And how about a shout-out to Joss Whedon. He and the production crew of the new online release In Your Eyes secretly mailed out gifts (some substantial) worldwide to the first people who paid $5 to download his new film. Press coverage of Whedon this weekend pointed hundreds of viewers to my 2012 San Diego Comic-Con article about Whedon (one of my favorite posts to write). And that’s what pushed us over the 1 million mark today. Very cool.
Onward and upward!
C.J. Bunce