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Disney casting call–You could star in Star Wars Episode VII


Jaina and Jacen Solo

Disney has issued a casting call for November 14, 2013–this Thursday–for a 17-18 year old female and a 19-23 year old male to star in Star Wars Episode VII, to commence filming at London’s Pinewood Studios in early 2014.  The casting call will be held in Chicago, from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Park West in Lincoln Park.

A similar casting call is out for Great Britain.  A call was held in Bristol November 9 & 10.  Glasgow will hold a casting session at Wasp Studios November 16 & 17.  Manchester will hold a casting session at Progress Centre November 16 & 17.  London will hold a casting session at Apiary Studios and Dublin will hold a casting session at Filmbase, both November 23 & 24.

Other casting calls  have been announced for Nashville (Nov. 24); Austin (Nov. 22); and Troy, Michigan (Nov. 17).  An application and more details are available here.

Star Wars casting call

What roles are being offered?  You could be Rachel or Thomas, the stars of the new Star Wars film.  Rachel and Thomas…  Huh?  These are like Blue Harvest was to Return of the Jedi, names being used to veil the details of the actual story.  Could they be one of Han & Leia or Luke’s kids?

Who are they looking for?  All you 40-something Star Wars uber-fans don’t click on your Travelocity ticket just yet.  Here’s the scoop on both roles:

Seeking: Young woman to play 17-18 Years old. Must be beautiful, smart and athletic. Open to all ethnicities (including bi- and multi-racial).

Jaina Solo

Rachel: Was quite young when she lost her parents. With no other family, she was forced to make her way alone in a tough, dangerous town. Now 17 she has become street smart and strong. She is able to take care of herself using humor and guts to get by.

Always a survivor, never a victim, she remains hopeful that she can move away from this harsh existence to a better life. She is always thinking of what she can do to move ahead.

Young Jedi Knights

Seeking: Young man to play 19-23 years old. Must be handsome, smart and athletic. Must be over 18.

Thomas:  Has grown up without a father’s influence. Without the model of being a man, he doesn’t have the strongest sense of himself. Despite this, he is smart, capable and shows courage when it is needed. He can appreciate the absurdities in life and understands you can’t take life too seriously.

If you make it to a casting session and want to share please let us know as we’d love to talk about it here at borg.com.

Star Wars Episode VII is scheduled for release in theaters December 18, 2015.

C.J. Bunce

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