We could stop after just the above photo with actor Sean Astin, but we won’t. Kansas City Comic Con broke the mold this weekend, setting up a fun environment for thousands of attendees to get a major league dose of pop culture fun. You could meet icons of classic movies, like Pam Grier (1970s action film star), classic TV, like Butch Patrick (Eddie, from The Munsters), from current hits like Game of Thrones (Kristian Nairn), and classic 1980s video games (Billy Mitchell of King of Kong fame), to kids’ favorites (Power Rangers’ August St. John), classic British TV (Doctor Who’s Colin Baker), and megahits like The Lord of the Rings (Sean Astin) and Star Wars (Nalini Krishan and Orli Shoshan).
Creators from the Star Wars universe could be found everywhere, from current Marvel Star Wars writer Jason Aaron, to artist icon Michael Golden, to Disney-era Star Wars artists Bryan Fyffe and Joe Corroney. Creators from several major licensed characters could be found with Phil Hester, Ande Parks, Jai Nitz, Greg Smallwood, and Tony Moore. And then there is Jim Shooter and Mike Zeck from the superhero sphere of classic comics. Phew! That’s a busy weekend.
We had a great time with Rick Howland, star of Syfy Channel’s Lost Girl, which only recently wrapped its final episode.
Here’s writer CW Cooke talking with attendees at his booth…
… and here is artist Bryan Fyffe with a great display of his artwork…
Cosplaying Middle-Earth, your editor (the wizard Radagast the Brown) and author and borg.com writer Elizabeth C. Bunce (Hobbit Mimosa Bunce of JRR Tolkien’s novels) joined a roving band of cosplayers from the Springfield area…
…and of course, Sean Astin, star of The Lord of the Rings as Frodo’s loyal friend Samwise, as well as classic films like Goonies, Memphis Belle, and Rudy, could not have been a classier and engaging guest at Kansas City Comic Con, sharing stories with fans young and old–and we’re pretty sure if we’d had an extra Hobbit costume he would have joined right in…
Plenty more cosplay could be found around the walkways of Bartle Hall Saturday. Superheroes…
And their friends…
…and even warriors from Attack on Titan…
More to come as Kansas City Comic Con wraps its last day Sunday.
C.J. Bunce